




Guide: Affairs of the Heart – Milestones & Divorce

Marriage getting you down? Need a clean break? This guide has got you covered read more!

Revelation Online Welcome to our guide regarding Intimacy Milestones and Divorce within Revelations Online! Before explaining the methods of making a clean-break from your partner, let’s first explore more in-game marriage positives!

Intimacy Milestones

Revelation Online Gythil There are 3 different intimacy milestones; one at 6,000, another at 15,000, and the final milestone at 28,000 intimacy points.

  • At 6,000 Intimacy points, your points will be capped until you complete a specific quest with your spouse. You will need to head to Nori in Sulan to pick up a quest. This will then require you to head back to the marriage instance once more and speak to Rochin before teleporting inside. You will then need to head inside and speak to the Hyphaen Luta Tolador, obtain an item and hand it back to Rochin who is waiting outside of the instance.
  • At 15,000 Intimacy points you will unlock an achievement known as ‘Hug it out’ which, in turn, will unlock a hug emote for you and your partner to use.
  • At 28,000 intimacy points you will both unlock a special costume which is exclusive to married partners who have reached this stage.



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